Have you been contacted by us?
Then please contact us. Our aim is to create a “win-win” situation between all parties.
If you use the open claim by

you want to send us an e-mail stating your file number. You will then receive your personal payment link from us.
You will also find on this page the most common questions, answers and useful links to other interesting web sites with legal information.
However, we do not assume any liability for their content and correctness.
♦Click here for helpful literature tips on the topic: “Get out of debt”
Why do I receive a reminder from Collection VS?
You are already in arrears with the settlement of an open claim of our customer. He is coming to meet you and does not wish to take legal action against you for the time being. With our mandate to collect receivables, you will have considerably fewer costs and legal consequences.
And if I don’t pay?
If you now also ignore our reminder, we will advise our customer to c
arry out the court order notice procedure, the costs of which you will have to
bear in addition. In a
ddition, there may be a negative rating of your credit rating.
Therefore, please contact us to ensure that the claim is settled out of court.
Why do I have to pay the collection costs?
Your non-payment means that you are in default of payment to our customer. In acco
rdance with Sections 280, 286 of the German Civil Code (BGB), you are obliged to com
pensate for the resulting damage. This includes the cost of commissioning coll
ection-VS. Later on this page, you will find court decisions conf
irming this.
Important for you: If the claim were to be asserted immediately, you would h
ave incurred considerably higher costs!
At this point we offer you an additional, free service. Here you can search for relevant information online Urteil
e.So you can save a lot of money and secure an important information advantage.
Obligation to cover the costs by the debtor in the event of the involvement of a debt collection company:
OLG Köln from 08.03.1972 – 2 U 111/71
OLG Munich from 27.07.1990 – 23 U 2346/90
OLG Karlsruhe from 21.06.1990 – 13 U 352/89
OLG Frankfurt/M. from 31.01.1990 – 13 U 178/88
OLG Dresden from 04.04.1995 – 13 U 1515/93
AG Villingen-Schwenningen, decision of 15.8.2006 – 4 M 3413 / 06
LG Duisburg of 14.11.2014 – 7 S 45/14